Friday 1 August 2008


Not content with growing our own veg we decided that we needed some chickens too! We wern't happy about them living at the allotment as we can not guarantee to get there every day and besides there would be more risk of fox's so we wanted to have them at home.
We scoured the net and travelled all over looking for a nice coop that would look nice and be easy to clean.....this is what we came up with

The omlet Eglu. After looking at loads of other coops which looked hard to keep clean this won us over, we purchased ours from E-Bay and set off to Norwich (340 mile round trip) to collect it. I set it up that evening so we could go and collect chickens the next day.

We looked at loads of places for chickens to and either were not impressed with the conditions they were kept in or just didn't like any of the stock, that was until we went to The Wernlas Collection in Shropshire. This is a fantastic place and we struggled to choose from all the fantastic breeds they have there. We didn't really want just Hybrid chickens for laying we wanted a choice of pure breeds so this was definitely the best place to come.

So here we have, from left to right, Trinny the Rhode Island Red, Suzanna the Buff Wyandotte and Janet (after Janet Street Porter) the Welbar (this one is loud and bossy hence the name).

So as well as allotment pics you will have to check back for loads of chicken pics too. We will post more pics and egg news as it happens.

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