Wednesday 9 July 2008

The Visit!

24th June 2008

On Saturday morning Mark had an unexpected visitor, which only a week before we had been talking about (How spooky!!). An old man made his way up the drive with ripped trousers; he asked Mark if we wanted an allotment??!!We had put our names on the list for a few places over a year ago, then changed our phone number and toiled with the idea of going to OZ so we forgot all about it until the other week when we had a thought about it and discussed the fact that nobody could get hold of us even if the opportunity had arose because of changing our number, we commented that it was a shame!!!!! Then this man came round and gave us the option to have one of three half plots.

How excited we were!!!!! So off we went to view them the next morning and instead of having just a half plot we had to be greedy and have a whole one!! Just eight pounds a year!!! Not bad we think, However the plot needs a lot of work on it, its very overgrown with grass so my Dad came to the rescue with the spray to kill it and now we are waiting for the grass and weeds to die, should take about a week then we can get the strimmer on it and start to clear it.We have definitely got our work cut out but it will be worth it in the end when we are growing lovely fresh veg. You can imagine how excited mark is about it all??!! And my Dad too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, I will be updating weekly or whenever work has happened, watch this space!!........................... ................................

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